Mission > Empowering individuals through therapeutic interventions and extraordinary care
Vision > Improve the quality of life and restore self-empowerment for all people with mental illness and substance abuse issues
Our agency consists of two separate entities that fall under the same umbrella of care. Triad Therapy, LLC provides Outpatient Therapy and Diagnostic Assessments; while Triad Therapy Mental Health Center, LLC provides enhanced services such as Community Support Team and Intensive In-Home.
Please see a detailed listed of services we offer under the “Services” tab.
We are fully accredited by a national accrediting body, CQL (The Council on Quality and Leadership).
A CCA determines whether the recipient is appropriate for and can benefit from MH/DD/SA services based on the recipient's diagnosis, present problems, and treatment and recovery goals. It also evaluates the level of readiness and motivation to engage in treatment. (Offered in Forsyth, Randolph, and Surry counties).
This is an intensive community rehabilition service that provides treatment and restorative interventions to: Assist individuals to gain access to necessary services; reduce psychiatric as well as addiction sympthoms; and develop optimal community living skills. (Offered in Randolph county)
This intervention uses a team approach to identify needs of children/adolescents and adults who are transitioning from out of home placement and need intensive interventions to remain stable in the community. Triad Therapy Mental Health Center, LLC will deliver services primarily face-to-face with the consumer and/or family and in locations outside of the facility. (Offered in Randolph and Surry counties)
Medication-assisted treatment, including opioid treatment programs (OTPs), combines behavioral therapy and medications to treat substance use disorders. FDA-approved medications, with counseling and behavioral therapies, provide a "whole patient" approach to the treament of the disorder. (Offered in Forsyth, Randolph, and Surry counties)
Behavioral health services include psychiatric and bio psychosocial assessment, and psychological testing.These services are intended to determine a beneficiary’s treatment needs, and to provide the necessary treatment. Services focus on reducing psychiatric and behavioral symptoms in order to improve the beneficiary’s functioning in familial, social, educational, or occupational life domains. Serving adloescents and adults. (Offered in Forsyth, Randolph, and Surry counties)
SAIOP will structure individual and group addiction activities and provide an outpatient program designed to assist adult and adolescent consumers to begin recovery and learn skills for recovery maintenance. SAIOP includes case management to arrange, link or integrate multiple services as well as assessment and reassessment of the recipients need for services. (Offered in Randolph and Surry counties)
A periodic service that is a time-limited, multi-faceted approach treatment service for adults who require structure and support to achieve and sustain recovery. (Offered in Surry county)
If you are interested in becoming a part of our dynamic team please fill out a job application and either mail, email (employment (at) triadtherapy.com) or fax your application to the appropriate office.
Application in .pdf format.
If you are interested in referring consumers to our agency please fill out a referral form and e-mail it to referrals(at) triadtherapy.com
Please click here for the Randolph County (Asheboro) form.
Please click here for the Forsyth County (Winston-Salem) form.
Please click here for the JJSAMHP referral form.
350 North Cox Street, Asheboro, NC 27203
Phone 3336.629.7774 • Fax 336.629.7776
Accepts Blue Cross/Blue Shield, IPRS, Medicaid and NC Healthchoice
7830 North Point Blvd., Suite 201, Winston-Salem, NC 27106 Phone 336.896.0904 • Fax 336.896.1402